Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Floods? (The Woodlands, TX)

Floods are one of the most common natural disasters in the United States and they can cause billions of dollars in damage. Homeowners insurance typically does not cover floods because floods are considered natural disasters. And most homes policies exclude natural disasters from coverage. However, there are some ways to protect yourself from financial ruin if a flood damages your home. One option is to purchase a separate flood insurance policy. Another option is to get a rider on your homeowners insurance policy that covers floods. Riders are typically available for an additional premium and can help cover some of the costs associated with flooded homes. Finally, you can try to negotiate with your mortgage lender to have them cover the cost of repairs. If a flood damages, your home, floods are unpredictable and can happen anywhere. So it’s essential to prepare financially in case your home becomes flooded by understanding your options and being proactive. You can help to protect yourself from financial ruin in the event of a flood.

We’d be happy to review your insurance coverage options with you! Give us a call at (281) 528-5737 or visit https://pinnaclepointinsurance.com.

Why Get Life Insurance For Babies? (The Woodlands, TX)

Ok. So here’s the thing while it might seem strange or even a little bit morbid purchasing life insurance for newborn babies has become super popular over the last few years.

I know that the thought of losing a newborn is absolutely unthinkable. But I want you to keep in mind that life insurance is not only about providing a benefit for the death of the policyholder.

Many types of permanent or whole life insurance policies are actually designed to mature after a certain number of years, then a payout goes to the beneficiary.

So for a newborn, for example, this means that the policy might mature during their college years, say, and this can provide funds for education or maybe even a little nest egg for a new family, which could be an awesome thing. Plus because the policy is being purchased for a newborn, the premiums are very likely to be really affordable.

So, if you want to learn more about how a life insurance policy can help provide for your Children, then the smart move is to schedule time with an insurance agent who you trust, and they’re gonna help you set up a great policy

We’d be happy to review your insurance coverage options with you! Give us a call at (281) 528-5737 or visit https://pinnaclepointinsurance.com.

How Much Homeowners Insurance Should I Get? (The Woodlands, TX)

Just about every homeowner wants to know the ideal amount of coverage on a home insurance policy. And while the simple answer is to say that your policy should cover the market value of your home.

This actually might not include everything. So do not forget that a homeowner’s insurance policy doesn’t just cover your walls and your roof, right? It should also cover your belongings like jewelry or furniture, for example. Now, a good homeowners insurance policy will extend to any smaller buildings that are attached to your home, like a garage or a guest house or a tool shed.

For example, now when you add all of those things together, it’s pretty funny how everything just adds up super quickly, much more than the sale value of your home. Now, the best way to make sure that your coverage is adequate is to get an appraisal from an insurance agent that you absolutely trust. And, then you can identify the proper coverage without being over insured.

We’d be happy to review your insurance coverage options with you! Give us a call at (281) 528-5737 or visit https://pinnaclepointinsurance.com.

Can Homeowners Insurance Be Transferred To A New Owner? (The Woodlands, TX)

Home buyers often ask if a home insurance policy can simply be transferred from one person to another. Therefore allowing a new homeowner to begin making the payments when the old owner moves out.

The short answer here is no, a home insurance policy cannot be transferred from one person to another. Each policy is unique and coverage rates really depend on a broad number of factors that change from person to person.

Now, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Let me go ahead and give you a quick example here. If the original homeowner is a college student and the new homeowner is a retiree, the rates will almost certainly be less expensive for the new homeowner right now.

More importantly, every homeowner has a different set of coverage priorities, which means the specific coverages and amounts can vary significantly from one homeowner to another.

And so before making a final choice on your coverage, be sure to speak with an insurance professional that can help you understand all of the rates and all of the options associated with your homeowners policy.

We’d be happy to review your insurance coverage options with you! Give us a call at (281) 528-5737 or visit https://pinnaclepointinsurance.com.

Hurricane Beryl Insurance Claim Scenario 5: Will My Home Insurance Policy Cover Food Spoilage? (The Woodlands, TX)

Hurricane Beryl has caused significant damage, leading to various insurance claim scenarios. One pressing concern is whether your home insurance policy covers food spoilage due to power outages caused by Hurricane Beryl. This video will address this and other common questions to help you decide if filing a claim is the right move.

Scenario 5: Will my home insurance policy cover food spoilage due to power outages?

Alright, one more claim scenario, or one that you’ll hear about probably quite a bit over the next few weeks, and that’s going to be food spoilage. You know, there are a lot of power outages, and so a lot of folks are going to have food spoilage, whether the food is in the refrigerator or the freezers. So, will my home insurance policy payout for that? It’s going to depend on your home insurance. A lot of times, it’s an added endorsement, but sometimes, it’s automatically included.

If you’re wondering about Hurricane Beryl’s food spoilage insurance coverage, you’re not alone.

I do have it on my home insurance policy. The most they’ll pay out is $500, with a separate deductible of $100, so I’d have to eat that $100. They’ll pay out damages above and beyond that up to $500. So there’s food spoilage coverage there.

My recommendation though, fortunately I have a generator, so the power outages aren’t impacting me nearly as much. But even if it was, my recommendation, unless you need to file a claim for damages to another structure or damage to your roof at the same time, I wouldn’t suggest reaching out to the insurance company just to file a claim for food spoilage unless you absolutely have to because those types of claim scenarios can impact you in the long run, and you don’t want those to adversely impact you when you need to potentially look for other insurance options in the future.


Tips for Filing a Hurricane Beryl Insurance Claim

Understanding your options for Hurricane Beryl food spoilage insurance can save you from unnecessary stress and financial loss. Always weigh the potential long-term impact of filing a claim and consider whether it’s worth it in your specific situation. Pack as much patience as you can with the claims adjusters at this time because they’re going to all be overwhelmed regardless of who the insurance company is. If you have the ability ahead of time to reach out to the appropriate contractors to see if they can give you an estimate for repairs to make sure that those repairs are more than your deductible, I definitely suggest doing so.

But either way, hopefully, this has answered some of your questions. Feel free to reach out, though, if you have any others, and I’d be happy to help out. Give us a call at (281) 528-5737 or visit Pinnacle Point Insurance.

Hurricane Beryl Insurance Claim Scenario 4: Does Home Insurance Cover Vehicle Damage from Fallen Trees in Your Garage? (The Woodlands, TX)


Hey, so Hurricane Beryl has made its way through and left a lot of damage out there. There are lots of trees down, lots of fences down, and lots of damage to folks’ homes and vehicles. I wanted to create a short video to talk about a few Hurricane Beryl insurance claim scenarios that are probably top of mind right now and hopefully help you decide whether or not it makes sense to reach out to your insurance company to file a claim.

SCENARIO 4: Will my home insurance policy cover damage to my vehicles if a tree falls onto my home and damages them inside my garage?

What about another claim scenario? Again, going back to Hurricane Beryl, if a tree fell onto my home and damaged my home and my vehicles, would my home insurance policy pay for the damage to the vehicles inside my garage if a tree fell over and damaged them all? The answer is no. I would need to seek out my auto insurance company for the damage to the vehicles. This is always the case, so your comprehensive auto insurance deductible would come into play.


Tips for Filing a Hurricane Beryl Insurance Claim

So there’s some scenarios for you. If you do feel like you need to file a claim, obviously reach out to your insurance company to file the claim. Pack as much patience as you can with the claims adjusters at this time because they’re going to all be overwhelmed regardless of who the insurance company is. If you have the ability ahead of time to reach out to the appropriate contractors to see if they can give you an estimate for repairs to make sure that those repairs are more than your deductible, I definitely suggest doing so.

But either way, hopefully, this has answered some of your questions. Feel free to reach out, though, if you have any others, and I’d be happy to help out. Give us a call at (281) 528-5737 or visit Pinnacle Point Insurance.

Hurricane Beryl Insurance Claim Scenario 3: Home Insurance Debris Removal Coverage Fallen Trees (The Woodlands, TX)


Hey, so Hurricane Beryl has made its way through and left a lot of damage out there. There are lots of trees down, lots of fences down, and lots of damage to folks’ homes and vehicles. I wanted to create a short video to talk about a few Hurricane Beryl insurance claim scenarios that are probably top of mind right now and hopefully help you decide whether or not it makes sense to reach out to your insurance company to file a claim.

SCENARIO 3: Will My Home Insurance Cover Debris Removal If a Fallen Tree Doesn’t Damage Any Structures or Block My Driveway?

What about the debris removal? When considering debris removal, the coverage primarily comes into play if there’s damage to other structures or your dwelling, as you would still need to meet your deductible. The maximum limit for debris removal is typically $500 per tree, with a total limit of $1,000. However, this applies only if the tree is damaging another structure or your dwelling or if it’s blocking your driveway and preventing access.

If a tree falls in your yard without causing damage to any structures or blocking your driveway, your home insurance policy will not cover the debris removal. It doesn’t matter where it fell if it’s not causing an obstruction or damage to your home or other structures.


Tips for Filing a Hurricane Beryl Insurance Claim

So there’s some scenarios for you. If you do feel like you need to file a claim, obviously reach out to your insurance company to file the claim. Pack as much patience as you can with the claims adjusters at this time because they’re going to all be overwhelmed regardless of who the insurance company is. If you have the ability ahead of time to reach out to the appropriate contractors to see if they can give you an estimate for repairs to make sure that those repairs are more than your deductible, I definitely suggest doing so.

But either way, hopefully this has answered some questions that you might have. Feel free to reach out, though, if you have any others, and I’d be happy to help out. Give us a call at (281) 528-5737 or visit Pinnacle Point Insurance.

Hurricane Beryl Insurance Claim Scenario 2: Covering Neighbor’s Tree Damage (The Woodlands, TX)



Hey, so Hurricane Beryl has made its way through and left a lot of damage out there. With numerous trees down, fences damaged, and extensive damage to homes and vehicles, many are wondering about their Hurricane Beryl insurance claim options. I wanted to create a short video to talk about a few insurance claim scenarios that are probably top of mind right now and help you decide whether or not it makes sense to reach out to your insurance company to file a claim.

SCENARIO 2: Hurricane Beryl Insurance Claim – Will My Home Insurance Cover Neighbor’s Tree Damage?

Okay, so now that that’s established, would my home insurance policy payout? Well, I do have damage to other structures, which is something my home insurance policy would pay for. It would also pay for debris removal.

But now we’ve got to establish what’s my deductible. Well, my wind and hail deductible on my home insurance policy is $9,900, so I would need to have sustained damage to other structures and/or my home in the amount of at least $9,900 before it makes sense for me to even reach out to the insurance company.

Well, obviously, that’s minor damage. I do have a little bit of damage, though, to the other side of my fence, but overall, it is very, very minor. I don’t have any damage to my home, so I wouldn’t be reaching out to my home insurance policy to pay for the damage to the other structures.


Tips for Filing a Hurricane Beryl Insurance Claim

So there’s some scenarios for you. If you do feel like you need to file a claim, obviously reach out to your insurance company to file the claim. Pack as much patience as you can with the claims adjusters at this time because they’re going to all be overwhelmed regardless of who the insurance company is. If you have the ability ahead of time to reach out to the appropriate contractors to see if they can give you an estimate for repairs to make sure that those repairs are more than your deductible, I definitely suggest doing so.

But either way, hopefully this has answered some questions that you might have. Feel free to reach out, though, if you have any others, and I’d be happy to help out. Give us a call at (281) 528-5737 or visit Pinnacle Point Insurance.

Hurricane Beryl Insurance Claim Scenario 1: Neighbor’s Tree Damage (The Woodlands, TX)


Hey, so Hurricane Beryl has made its way through and left a lot of damage out there. There are lots of trees down, lots of fences down, and lots of damage to folks’ homes and vehicles. I wanted to create a short video to talk about a few Hurricane Beryl insurance claim scenarios that are probably top of mind right now and hopefully help you decide whether or not it makes sense to reach out to your insurance company to file a claim.

SCENARIO 1: Hurricane Beryl Insurance Claim – What should I do if my neighbor’s tree falls and causes damage to my fence?

First scenario I’ve got is an example right behind me. You can see I’ve got damage to my fence. My neighbor’s tree actually fell through the fence here. Alright, so it’s my neighbor’s tree. Shouldn’t their home insurance policy pay for it? The answer might surprise you.

As you can see, there’s a root system there that looks pretty healthy. The ground probably just got a little too saturated, and the wind blew this tree over, so there’s no neglect by my neighbor. They shouldn’t have thought ahead of time to remove this tree because it wasn’t already dead. So their home insurance policy will not pay for the damage to the fence or the debris removal. It wouldn’t even matter if their tree fell over onto my house and destroyed my roof or damaged my vehicles.

Their home insurance policy would not pay out because there’s no neglect, so my home insurance policy would be where I would look first.


Tips for Filing a Hurricane Beryl Insurance Claim

So there’s some scenarios for you. If you do feel like you need to file a claim, obviously reach out to your insurance company to file the claim. Pack as much patience as you can with the claims adjusters at this time because they’re going to all be overwhelmed regardless of who the insurance company is. If you have the ability ahead of time to reach out to the appropriate contractors to see if they can give you an estimate for repairs to make sure that those repairs are more than your deductible, I definitely suggest doing so.

But either way, hopefully this has answered some questions that you might have. Feel free to reach out, though, if you have any others, and I’d be happy to help out. Give us a call at (281) 528-5737 or visit Pinnacle Point Insurance.

Will Homeowners Insurance Cover A Civil Lawsuit? (The Woodlands, TX)

We’d be happy to review your insurance coverage options with you! Give us a call at (281) 528-5737 or visit https://pinnaclepointinsurance.com.